Meet a Mom Lelia Jimenez of How Many Hatz | Northern Westchester Moms

Meet a Mom Lelia Jimenez, owner and creator of @howmanyhatz and @leilakayeconsulting 

This mom of 3 is a local White Plains mom who wants moms to succeed and be happy!    Learn about her favorites and tips!


Where are you both from originally and how long have you lived in town?

I am originally from Queens NY have lived in White Plains for the last 23 years.

Child(ren) and Age(s)?

3 children

Samira 16

Mila 7

Mason 5

One thing people would be surprised to know about you both…

I am a certified Reiki Practitioner!

My desire to find mom life balance led me to a love of mindfulness, and practicing spiritual self care. Now I can also offer a holistic method of healing to my personal coaching clients, family members, and friends!

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?

My mother! She has held the “told you so’s” to a minimum, always shown me grace and patience. Best of all she has been supportive and always lent a hand when she is able making sure if my kids weren’t with their mama, they were with the next best… Grandma!

Favorite things to do with your children?

We love to take walks together whether it’s a scenic walk at the kensico dam or a neighborhood walk to play “I spy”. I also enjoy playing with them. Sometimes adults need to have a moment to enjoy the simple times of legos, Mario kart, and Polly pocket!


How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

Being a part of a collective community of moms shows you that you are not alone. There is strength in numbers and we get a sense of empowerment through that. We may come from different towns, share different views, but we are all showing up everyday giving this thing called motherhood our best.

Tell us about your mom entrepreneur life and how do you manage it all……

I started my Instagram page @how_many_hatz to encourage other women to pursue their personal goals and dreams. What was intended to give inspiration, for women to look beyond the roles we play, schedules we manage and titles we hold, blossomed into a coaching business, and eventually became a consulting business @leliakayeconsulting.

I manage it all because I know I deserve happiness and I can’t have that without reaching for my own goals and showing my children that they MUST do the same. No matter how many hats we wear, we have to remember who we are and what we want as individuals. Setting S.M.A.R.T goals and having a strategy in place to achieving them has allowed me a way to prioritize my personal and professional goals.

Where can we follow you on Insta and what can we expect when we follow?

@how_many_hatz for mom life balance, self care, inspiration, and motivation to go after your goals!

@leliakayeconsulting for social media content + marketing tips, entrepreneur and mom boss inspiration and encouragement!


Tell us your faves

Favorite date night spot

Hudson Prime Steakhouse

Favorite restaurant to go as a family

Divino Cucina Italiana

Favorite place to go out with friends

Blue Stone Lane

Favorite place to go to have fun as a family

A Maze In Pottery 



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